Functional Programming: reduce

Continuing the theme of functional programming and higher-order functions, this one is about another example: reduce. In my previous post, I wrote about map and its use generally in functional programming and specifically in R. This tutorial will follow a similar structure.


(Image source:

What is reduce?

reduce is quite an interesting function. It is sometimes known in other languages as fold. Like map it takes as input a function and a collection (e.g. list). Because this is functional programming, the magic lies in the input function. So, let me describe its behavior and how reduce uses it:

Unlike map, I believe it is hard to grasp from an abstract point of view without examples, so I will get to that right away.

How to implement it in R?

Let’s start with a simple example. But before starting, I need to point out that the function’s name is Reduce() with a capital R.

If I want to sum a numeric vector c(1,2,3,4,5) with an algorithm that uses Reduce, the logic is that the accumulator starts at 0, gets added to the first element and 1 becomes the new accumulator. Then, it gets added to the second element and 3 becomes the new accumulator, and so on… So, the function that should be given to Reduce() takes an accumulator and a (new) element and adds them. You can define that as an anonymous function.

function(acc, x) {
    acc + x

After nailing down the function, we can now call Reduce() with the anonymous function and the vector as arguments.

Reduce(function(acc, x) {acc + x}, c(1,2,3,4))
# [1] 10

You can think that reduce performs the task like this: (((1 + 2) + 3) + 4)

Side tip: you could actually use the plus sign wrapped in backticks `+` which means you are using this infix operator as a function to be passed (e.g. as an argument to Reduce()).

Practical example

The previous example was a little bit silly, although you have to get silly sometimes to introduce new concepts based on what you already know and are comfortable with. The next example is a bit more practical. Our goal here is merge two data frames by inserting one data frame at a specific index (i.e. in the middle) of another data frame.

Consider these example data frames:

d <- data.frame(A = 1:4, B = c("AA", "BB", "DD", "EE"))
to_insert <- data.frame(A = 2.5, B = "CC")

d$ID <- seq(nrow(d))
to_insert$ID <- 2.5

#   A  B ID
# 1 1 AA  1
# 2 2 BB  2
# 3 3 DD  3
# 4 4 EE  4

#     A  B  ID
# 1 2.5 CC 2.5

What I want to do is basically insert the data frame to_insert between row 2 and row 3 of the data frame d. There are two main things that need to be done to get a Reduce() algorithm ready.

Make a list out of the data frame

Reduce() need a collection to iterate (and accumulate) over. In this case, we need to build a “collection of rows”. This is easily done with the function split().

d_split <- split(d, d$ID)
# $`1`
#   A  B ID
# 1 1 AA  1
# $`2`
#   A  B ID
# 2 2 BB  2
# $`3`
#   A  B ID
# 3 3 DD  3
# $`4`
#   A  B ID
# 4 4 EE  4

That takes care of one argument.

Build the accumulating function

The accumulation in the previous example was done by addition. But in this example, accumulation is actually row-binding. So, the accumulator will be a data frame, and I will keep adding the rows of the list to that accumulator until I’ve reached the index of interest, in which case I will also bind the data frame I want to insert before continuing the accumulation process.

fn <- function(acc, row) {

  if (row$ID == 2) {
    rbind(acc, row, to_insert)
  } else {
    rbind(acc, row)


Putting it together

The final step is merely calling Reduce() with the pieces we built.

Reduce(fn, d_split)
#      A  B  ID
# 1  1.0 AA 1.0
# 2  2.0 BB 2.0
# 11 2.5 CC 2.5
# 3  3.0 DD 3.0
# 4  4.0 EE 4.0

From there, you could easily work your way forward by abstracting this algorithm into a function, or maybe adjust the row names.

That’s it for reduce! Another interesting functional programming concept, and R already has it built in.

P.S. The last example was inspired from a LinkedIn post by Adrian Olszewski in which he used a similar implementation but with instead of Reduce().
